Tucson shooting reveals America's polarity

The tragedy in Arizona when Jared Laughner gunned down multiple people, including the attempted assassination of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords , left more than just blood stains in the parking lot of a grocery store. He left not just physical scars, but also emotional and psychological ones too. He also opened old wounds in the American political spectrum. Not even a day went by with people attempted to politicize the event. Many blamed former Alaska governor and Tea Party star Sarah Palin for her map using alleged crosshairs over Congressional districts. Others blamed the books Laughner read, or the powerful, violent political rhetoric our politicians have been using lately. I'm no Palin defender, but even I'll come to her defense saying I don't think she would want someone to shoot and kill someone. The map at the time was a powerful message at the time, but in hindsight, it was probably in poor taste to be targets on districts. Others wanted to blame the Tea Party, th...