Is Tornoto Blue Jays' Juan Bautista on steroids?

Toronto Blue Jays right fielder Jose Bautista is what we call a power hitter. What else would you call a guy who currently has 72 homeruns over two season up to this point. In 2010 he hit 54 moonshots, and this year currently has 18 homeruns in 38 games. But before the 2010 season, dating back to 2006 when he was in Pittsburgh, Bautista had homerun totals of 0 (2005), 16 (2006), 15 (2007) and 13 (2009). The question is: How does a player who hits homeruns in the mid teens, balloon his total in the 50s. The obvious speculation is performance enhancing drugs. But Bautista has passed all his drug tests up to this point. Maybe he has found a very good masking agent. Could it be though, that Bautista did it the right way: Got in the weight room, worked on his swing technique and mechanics, and has just hit his "prime" at the plate? Looking at pictures, Bautista hasn't bulked up as much as players that have used steroids (Alex Rodgriguez, Barry Bonds). For now, we will have to...