Why is high school football in decline? Jim Baxter is on the right track, but falls short in recent column

It may come as a shock, but I do enjoy reading other people's opinions on certain subjects. Recently, Jim Baxter of SCVarsity.com penned a column on the decline of high school football here in South Carolina, which I invite you to read here . Baxter brings up fair points in his piece, namely blaming the end of the eight-quarter rule by the South Carolina High School League as a major cause. You can read more about the abolishment of the rule, which happened in 2015, here , but in short, it made it illegal for players who competed in a JV game to dress out for varsity the following night. I suggest you read Brett McCormick's reporting in the link, because many of the concerns brought up have come true in the four years since. Before diving in, I must say I respect Baxter and the many decades of work he has put into covering high school athletics in this state. He is right more often than not, but in this instance I feel he is coming up short. No question ...