The Coby Cornelius vs. Jim Baxter Twitter exchange: A lesson in free speech

July 4th in the United States has passed, and the usual pomp and circumstance of cookouts, get-togethers and overall admiration for the founding of the country cappedy by fireworks the following days after went relatively fine. But in the SC high school sports Twitterverse (because that is a thing) a major discussion attempted to take place between Jim Baxter, who runs SC Varsity, and Coby Cornelius, a rising senior football player at Spring Valley in Columbia, SC. In short, what could have been was a generational-crossing discussion between two people with two very different perspectives and life experiences, and how it helped shape their views, and, possibly, lead to personal growth for both, and those witnessing it. What happened was one man resorting to simplistic talking points, and an excercise in the freedom of speech and how it relates to consequence-free speech ensued. In short, Baxter posted a harmless, love the founders type post typical on the day. Cornelius then...