South Carolina's new football staff young, unproven, and maybe just what is needed

Shane Beamer has put the final touches on his inagural coaching staff at South Carolina. Assuming Auburn hasn't hired away any more holdovers from the Will Muschamp era between now and hitting the publish button, the new group of coaches are a departure from Carolina's usual model from the last 20 years. Or nearly 60 years. LINK: Bobo, Friend head to Auburn LINK: Rocker to Auburn There is not a proven head coach, and when I say proven, I mean a proven track record of what you are likely to expect. With Lou Holtz and Steve Spurrier, you got two men that elevated a program, before holding on for one year too long and setting things back. With Muschamp, you got a guy who could do well with other coach's talent before the program bottoming out two years later when he had to worry about more than just the defense and punching white boards. Now, the head coach has no proven track record as a head coach. All that is known about Beamer is his ability to recruit. The overall st...