New Florida social media law looks to stop the ban

If you are a politician in Florida, get ready to be able to post whatever you want on social media and face nearly zero consequences. According The Sun-Sentinel, the Florida legislative body, controlled by the Republican party, passed a bill that would make it illegal for social media companies to ban politicians, with threat of hefty fines. LINK: Florida passes bill to limit social media companies I The Hill Companies would still be able to suspend accounts for two weeks, according to the legislation. The bill is pending the signature of Republican Governor Ron DeSantis, who is expected to sign. Everyone should fully expect this law to be challenged in court, and opponents have many avenues to go. I could argue the hypocrisy of the party that has long-touted itself against regulations now looking to impose regulations on a private business. You could also question how and if the state of Florida can enforce a regulation on companies based in California, namely Facebook and Twitte...