Contreception in Middle Schools (My take on the controversy in Maine)

The link above will explain the controversy. I highly suggest you read it before you read my opinion...otherwise my writing won't make a bit of sense to you.

The basic controversy here is arguing if contraceptives should be in middle schools. I personally don't see any harm in them being there, the more kids are knowledgable about sex, the more ready they will be to make the decision to have or have not at an appropriate age (in my mind, 17 or 18).
What the real issue is here the parenting; or better yet a lack of it.
Again we have a classic case were schools have to step in and pick up the slack that the home doesn't do. I know that in some areas of this country the home life isn't a good one, but c'mon, this is Maine! I have a real solution for this problem, blame the parents.
These kids are no older than 14 years old. I'm not familiar with the driving restrictions in Maine, but I'm sure no one there at that age is operating a vehicle legally.
I know kids are going to sneak off and attempt to do the nasty, but these parents have to be more brain dead than Paris Hitlon to not be able to tell if there kids are or aren't having sex.
I'll put money on these parents not winning the "Parents of the Year" Award.

Another reason this is going on is that our society has placed sex on a pedestal, making it almost like a Greek god-esc thing, instead of seeing it for what it is, just sex. When you paint something to be so great, then of course people are going to want to try it as soon as possible.

Back to the school, I actually applaud them for at least attempting to do something productive. Was it the best idea, probably not; was it the best they could do, in my opinion, yes. You see, unlike those parents, the school is at least showing that they have half a clue and give a full damn about the kids.


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