I Want my MTV back!

Does anyone remember the 80's?
I was a late 80's child, but there are a few things I remember; big hair, bright shirts, and MTV.
Well, big hair left, the bright shirts are slowly coming back, I regret, and MTV is just plain awful.

Man do I miss the good ole days when MTV did what it stood for. Music Television, and how.
All day played these new things called music videos. Not only did you get to hear the music, but you got to see the artist too. What an inventive and yet simple idea.

Fast forward 20 years. MTV has become CS&LMTV (Crap Shows and a Little bit of Music Television). What the Hell happened!

I now only get about 2 hours of music videos, most of which I could've crapped better ideas with a heavy laxative. Then, I finally get a pretty cool song and video together, and I think "Now we are getting somewhere". As soon as I think I'm starting to get good music, BAM!, I get smacked in the babymaker with some of the worst ideas for TV imaginable. I mean, look at the smut. Random Dating shows, quote un quote reality shows of stuck of snots known as high schoolers and shows of adults that never left their high school mentality of how to do things in crappy show ideas like (and I am ashamed I know this, in fact, I'm vomiting in my mouth right now) The Real OC, The Hills, and some other crappy spin off of the OC set in some equally stuck up Harbor.

MTV2 isn't much better. It originally promised more music, which made me think it would be cool. 2 years later it is exactly the same as MTV, crappy.

Then MTV 3 came out. It plays music videos all the time. One problem, it is called MTV Tres, which means it is in Spanish. This does me no good because I can't speak a lick of Spanish past "Hola", "Burrito" and "Fixo my Caro".

I'm waiting now for MTV 4 "maybe we can finally get our stuff together" to come out.

Here is what I'd do. I'd fire every executive down there, become President, and make it mandatory they show 23 hours of music videos. I'd then level, because I have to still make some money. I'd give 1 hour of my time to the crap they have now, so I don't lose viewers. I'd show one smut episode of an unrespective series one night a week, alternating shows with days. The shows would come on at 3 am, because I'd be President and able to do whatever I felt.

Give me back my MTV!


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