Conservative Evangelicals have it wrong...again
Can you feel it? It is election season fever, and it has been going on it seems since President Bush was elected. Okay, so it has just been going on for the last three years. We have already had many debates hosted by CNN, FOX News, and Youtube. By now most people have a general idea of who they will vote for-or better yet, and sense of who they will not vote for.
One candidate that has already seemed to lose votes is Republican Presidential hopeful, and former Massachusetts governor, Mitt Romney-but do those that have stated they won’t vote for Romney have a valid excuse? Many Evangelical, conservative Christians have stated that they won’t vote for Romeny for one simple reason; Mitt Romney is a Mormon.
Logic in this mindset is illogical at best. From a social standpoint, Romney is a conservative through and through. He is very much for marriage being between a man and a woman, is pro-life, doesn’t want to raise taxes, and has shown to be a good businessman; he erased a operating deficit of $376 million dollars in 2002 with the Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the Winter Olympics.
He also seems like a pretty bright guy, graduating from Brigham Young University with a B.A with highest honors, and a M.B.A from Harvard Business School,
and named cum laude from Harvard Law receiving a J.D.
The fact that the Evangelicals won’t vote for Romney for the simple fact that he is Mormon shows just how out of touch the base truly is with the importance, and need, of selecting the most qualified candidate.
Romney appears to have the qualifications that most in the base look for appears to make him the main man for the Evangelicals, as well with the rest of the conservative population in America. The fact that he isn’t a “Christian” is what is going to possibly cost him the Republican nomination, which just isn’t right in my mind.
It shouldn’t matter what religion Romney, or any of the other candidates for that matter, practices. Leaders need a moral code to live by, but they also need to be strong, intelligent, and able to make tough decisions when it counts.
The point of voting is to give the every American citizen 18-years or older a voice, and a chance for them to put a man, or woman, in a position of power that they feel best represents them: Romney appears to be a man that fits the bill for conservatives.
You’d think that we would’ve had enough, and that the sell of a “strong, Christian leader” wouldn’t be a strong selling point after the last six years, but apparently the a $2 trillion deficit, many lost American soliders, and overall drop in the country hasn’t been enough to teach Evangelical conservatives a lesson.
*Make it noted that I do not support Mitt Romney, I merely support logical thought.
Myself being an individual with a more liberal mindset have views that do not fall in line with Romney's ideals, or any other conservative for that matter.
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