A Belated Happy New Year

Happy New Year!
Okay, so I'm a little late.
Anyway, hope everyone had a safe new year's eve and even better new year's day.(I spend mine watching football)
Just thought I'd go back and review some things that happened in the year that was 2007.
1-Boise State's upset over Oklahoma, which started this chaotic season of college football. I can only wish the 2008 season is as close as exciting.
2-Florida beating Ohio State for the BCS Championship.
3-Oregon State won the college World Series over North Carolina.
4-Florida won back-to-back men's titles in basketball, the second over Ohio State.
5-App State beats Michigan, Stanford beats So. Cal, along with the oddity that nobody wanted to be #2 in the college football polls, or #1 for that matter.

If anyone can think of anything else, please add to the comments section.

A short one today, because I'm still recovering from New Years.
Hope you all had greens and black eyed peas on New Years Day (old southern tradition).
Wish you all good health, wealth, and an overall good 2008.

Thanks for reading the first "year" of the Lake Report.
I appreciate the readership, and hope you will continue as the site continues to improve, as well as the writing.


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