A Perspective on Ignorance

As you all know I'm a mass communications major.
You all also know I attend a school named Anderson University, which is affiliated with the southern baptist (fascist) convention.

Well, this past week as been a tough one to say the least, and not even in the classroom.
It started off on a Monday in the eating area, aka The Cafe'. All was well on a pleasant day; the sun was shining, the temperature was a brisk 55 F, and not a cloud in the sky-what could ruin this day?
Well, a simple T shirt.
A T shirt with the wording "Cure Abortion."
Well this is a set off point.

As you all probably have noticed, I have a link to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation website, a disease which I was born with.
My blood boils from this point-you can't cure abortion, it isn't a disease; and to equate to such shows complete ignorance total lack of respect to those of us that were born with a disease.
Abortion is a choice; I didn't choose to be born the way I am, and I'm sure no one else with an actual disease did either.

I'm not saying no one can be pro-life, it is perfectly fine to be that way-as it is to be (like myself) pro-choice. My point is that it is completely and utterly idiotic to proclaim something like abortion to disease.
I guarantee if that shirt was worn in a cancer wing, every patient would find some inner strength, and lay out multiple six packs of whoop ass, no matter how bed ridden they were.

Now for strike two.
To obtain a degree of mass comm, we have to take a class called "History of Communication," which is essentaily a boring class discussing how primitive man painted horses on the hip bone of a former horse (ironic).
Well, my "professor" (and I mean no disrespect to actual professors) believes the History of Communication is translated in dumbass to mean "Bible Thumping 101." Emphasizing the word creator, endower, lord, god in the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, etc.

On a side note, I do have a question for history/political buffs. Is there something such as a "Christian Communism." Sounds contradictory to me.

Anyway, I am not doubting the role of Christianity of our founding fathers, but that was, going on now, 300 years ago. The country demographic has changed emensely sense then.

Plus, apparently to this facist, Darwin's Theory of Evolution is apparently been accepted as Law in liberal institutions. (When asked, he had no specific college or university)

Also, apparently all liberals are atheists. (This obviously isn't true, myself being a liberal. I am by no means an atheist-I'm an agnostic)

I'm not saying that believing in Christianity is wrong-it is important to believe in something. I'm just saying it is wrong to place your religion on a pedistal above others.
The object of religion is not to see which is better; it is to inspire hope and a belief system for an individual or a group of individuals.

Well, due to all this, the Lake Report will soon be finding a new place of operations. The choices are down to Coastal Carolina and The University of South Carolina.

Will give the new location over the summer. Until then, stay open minded to others-but also stay grounded in your own personal beliefs. This is a great country for a reason, let's not mess it up anymore than it already is.

*I will already make the un-endorsment. Any of you reading have kids that are near the college age, and receive an offer from this institution, give them an immediate know.

"Sea of Ignorance"
Treading water,
My mind swells forth freely.
The sharks of rightousness come to bother,
Not wanting my thoughts be.

I fight them with words,
Reason my knife, truth my will.
They continue to gather in hoards,
Circling, smelling my blood, going for the kill.

My reason made heresy, my truth made lie.
They work together, pulling me under;
Under their ignorance to die!
This swim becoming my greatest blunder.

The water creeps over my face,
Traveling atop my eye.
My heart skips its normal pace,
I slowly begin to die.

I swim with the sharks,
One of them, now for the eon.
Hunting these aquatic parks,
Searching for the next victim armed with reason.

*The road to fanaticism is paved with ignorance, bigotry, and false perceptions. This is the story of a man, full of promise and hope, and how his logic and reason was drowned out by the ignorance of many.


  1. If you are sensitive to professors teaching a survey course at Anderson College and you are showered with religious rhetoric, you should not be surprised. It was your choice to go there and as you acknowledge, it is a private Baptist college.

    Yes many Christian are communists or believe in Marxism and the transfer of wealth. They exist just as surely as Christians exist who are also fascists.

    I take exception with your reference to Baptists as fascists. You need to take some History courses and learn a bit more about fascists before you throw that flame around.


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