Who to Vote for come November?

I'm sure that you all know what the big headline in the mainstream media has been for almost the past two years. No, it isn't the War in Iraq or Afganistan. It isn't the Darfur Genocide. It isn't even the recent devestation in Myanmar.

Nope, the big story is, and has been, who will be the next President of these United States of America. To tell the truth, even this far, I can't tell who I want, or think is good enough.After we started with a field of what seemed like, well, everyone, we have gotten it down to three, and are nearing two; Republican nominee and Senator from Arizona John McCain, and, vying for the Democratic seat, New York Senator Hillary Clinton and Illinois Senator Barack Obama (and it appears that Obama will win the seat according to CNN, FoxNews, and MSNBC...I can't believe I just referenced FoxNews, I must be going nuts).

The question is, who in the world is qualified to be the President? Well, the answer is no one. No one is legitimately ready to be the President because there isn't a job like the President of the United States. You are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for at least 4 years. That is a lot of stress, and I do not envy this job whatsoever.

The real question is, who will mess up the least, and again, it is a dead heat. I'll look at each candidate. First, McCain.

John McCain wins with the experience with age and years in the Senate. That is a double edged sword with the age, because the question arises, "What if he dies while in office, who will his Vice President be, and do we want to risk putting him or her in power?" My answer is no. Plus, I just think that he is a little out of touch with the bulk of today's American population.

It must be said that I have a deep amount of respect for McCain. He served in Vietnam, lived through a POW camp, and came back to help his country in the legislative method. With that said, he probably won't get my vote, even though I was prepared to give it to him, because the next two choices just get worse, and I am by no means a Republican or a conservative for that matter.

Hillary Clinton also appears to have strong qualities; driven, persistent, and a tough negotiator. The only problem is she doesn't know when to quit and realize that certain things aren't going to change. One thing that set me off, as did with McCain, is the idea of suspending the gas tax for the summer; what a dumb idea. That money funds the roadways and other operations of the sort. And if the oil companies don't get the money that way, they will just compensate and raise the prices: The whole idea is like putting a bandaid on skin cancer, it doesn't work.

Is she the best female at the moment for President? Probably.
Am I all for a woman President? You bet, if she is qualified.

Clinton I don't feel is qualified. Plus, the idea of Presidential succession going George H. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton just screams family dynasties, which we all know occurred in the Roman Empire, and we know how that majestic entity ended up.

Barack Obama is the young gun of the group. He is a very good speaker, and can rally people with the his words and infectious personality, but that all he is, words. Aside from opposing the gas tax revocation, I can't recall any deep plans he has on how to get stuff done. It is all, "We will Change Washington, we will Change America!" That is all fine and dandy, and I support that because Washington has become corrupt and full of beaurocrats and lobbyists. We just need a leader that will do it, and tell me how it will get done, and then do it. Plus, I just don't think he has enough political experience in regards to being in the Senate. Have him wait 4-8 more years, and then we will see.

So, we Americans are in a bit of a pickle here. None of our candidates really seem all that great. McCain, Clinton, and Obama all have posotives, don't get me wrong. It is just their posotives don't enough outweigh the negatives they also bring.


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