The Happening..............

What do you get when you mix invasion of the body snatchers with M. Night Shyamalan?
You get The Happening, Night's most recent film that came out, eerie overtone music, Friday the 13th. With a film that's main tag line was, "From the director of The Sixth Sense and Signs, brings you his first R-Rated movie," I must say my expectations were not through the troposphere. The film did surpass my expectations though.
The basic premise of the film is that something in the air is getting into the systems of people, and forcing them to kill themselves in so very cool and innovative ways. It starts in Central Park, then spreads to parks in the Northeast, and slowly works its way into the rural, unpopulated, boon dock areas. All the while everyone is trying to figure out what it is and escape it.
The story centers around Elliott (Mark Wahlberg) and Alma (Zooey Deschanel) Moore. Elliott is a biology teacher (big plus to have in this story) who has fallen on rough times in his marriage to Alma, with hints of possible infidelity on her part, and neglect on his. Elliott's friend and fellow teacher Julian (John Leguzamo) and his daughter Jess (Ashlyn Sanchez) are trying to meet up with wife and mother.

I must say I am highly impressed with the job of Walhberg. I was questioning whether he could carry a film that didn't have him being a cop, solider, or a bad boy. Here, he loses the tough guy shtick, and really becomes a well balanced character that is 100% believable.
Back to the film, I must say I wasn't completely let down by this. The feeling of just dread and not knowing who is next, and when it is going to happen is a nice touch by Night, and a tribute to his writing and directing. The only problem is that the real, proverbial haymaking gut punch is never delivered: That one moment where the entire audience jumps, gasps, and asks themselves "Did that really happen" never happened.
Also, Night continues the only problem I have with his work outside of The Sixth Sense, his problem with closing the deal with a film. We don't really get that twist that gets you that one last jolt or makes your spine tingle, though he comes close in this one.
M. Night Shyamalan is the closest thing we have to a Alfred Hitchcock, but he still has a ways to go before being considered on the same pedestal that Hitchcock resides. I would like to see Night continue with the R-rated movies, because I think it give him more room to do more to scare people in this generation.
This film is the best thriller/scary movies I've seen this year (it wasn't really a horror film). That isn't saying much considering the ones that have been out are complete and utter horse fodder that would have been better served being cooked in a microwave when they make it to the $6.99 bin.
For those looking for a gore fest, one needs to look elsewhere. A psychological thriller, do the same. If you are looking for an old school, Hitchcockian style movie with a modern twist of things, go on down to your local theater and see what is Happening.
I give The Happening a 3-out-of-5.
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