The Olympics

It is nearly that time again. That time that comes around every four years that the world's best athletes face off in a competition of immense proportions for worldly bragging rights.
I'm talking about the Olympics.

This is the one time in four years where everyone bleeds the same color in regards to sport: Red, White, and Blue. For a short time in August, gone is the animosity between Yankees and Red Sox, Buckeyes and Wolverines, and any other sports rivals in this country we call America.

And the Olympics couldn't come at a better time. The USA is in need of healing the scars of partisan-ism, and, maybe the unifying power of sport is the key. It probably won't happen, but one can dream.

More importantly though, the showing of the USA Olympic team could send a message to the world, that America is still a power house in the world, and still demands respect and reverence. Reports suggest that America is falling behind in the economic scene-most notably by the ever devaluing dollar, the technological spectrum, as well as other facets that once put this country on the forefront of leadership.

Even something as meaningless as sports in regards to politics can send a message, that a country still has a place of honor and dignity in the world.

And yes, Michael Phelps sweeping gold won't help increase the net worth of the dollar; the US winning the 4X100 relay won't fix the mortgage crisis; and the Dream Team winning gold and restoring America's place in basketball won't help with the war fronts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

If anything, the Olympics will serve as a reminder that, at the end of the day, whether you dawn the garnet in black of South Carolina, or the red and gold of the other "USC," we all support and bleed the colors of the Star Spangled Banner.

Best of luck to the Olympians in Beijing, and God Bless America.


  1. Well said.
    Although the Olympics don't substitute a strong centralized government that will actually fight for the people, it will be nice to see the USA on top of the podium yet again.

    Go USA!


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