“The sky is falling, the sky is falling!”
Ghost Sounds: The Search for USC String Majors
You hear them at the Koger Center stage, and get a close glimpse of them in the University of South Carolina School of Music recital hall. You know there names, their instrument, and their tastes in music. In a way, you know their soul. But outside of the concert halls, they are seldom seen. Just where in the world are they? “We are practicing or working on theory,” Hunter Harris, a sophomore viola player, said. Harris, 20, is a music education major from Greer , SC. USC string players are a hard breed of Gamecocks to track down, and it is because they have one of the most, if not the most, demanding course loads in the University. “Music majors have to complete the most credit hours, next to Pre-Med,” second year violinist Haley Dreis said. “We're not necessarily loaded with heavy textbook courses, but we pursue a lot of our time and energy differently.” Dreis, 19, of Winston-Salem , North Carolina , is actually...
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