Mark Sanford is now officially a scumbag

South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford has made his biggest, and last, snaffu of his political career.

The State (Columbia) newspaper, WIS-TV (Columbia), and just about every national media outlet (CNN, MSNBC, FOX News) are all reporting, and clarifying, that Sanford has admitted to having an affair on his wife.

The State released emails that thye have had since December, but needed 100% verification to issue them to the public. Turns out, Sanford has an exotic taste in women.

The scene is set that Sanford said he was going to the Appalachian Mountains to clear his head. A valid reason, Governor is a tough job.
The strange part is, it was over Father's Day, and he was seen at the Atlanta Airport. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you need a plane ride to get from Atlanta to the start of the Appalachian Trail.

Turns out, he was heading to Argentina to see his mistress...over Father's Day!

It gets better. It is reported that his wife, Jenny, issued a statement in which she had asked him to leave two weeks ago. This was in hopes to repair their marriage. Turns out, he went to Argentina on Father's Day.

To make things worse, it is looking like he used taxpayer money to fund his expeditions. Now, that is off assumption and connecting the dots, but I guessed a few days ago that he was having an affair, so I'll go off my hunches.

If this is true, that means he won't use taxpayer money from a stimulus package, but he will use taxpayer money to stimulate his package. That is about as dirty as it gets.

I don't care what you think about Sanford's policy. It does not matter in this case.
What Sanford did was inexcusable. Instead of taking time to look at how to fix his marriage, he goes to Argentina for a booty call over Father's Day weekend. And, if he spent taxpayer money, he may need to face some type of felony.

But now what to do?

Sanford has no reason to resign. His term is nearly up, so just let him finish it out.
Nothing will get done now anyway with this new information coming out.

I do hope that he and his wife can work this out, and I hope it is through a divorce. I just don't see how they can reconcile this.

I truly feel bad for Jenny Sanford and her four sons who have to go through this, but I have no sympathy for Sanford. He had everything go for him-a lovely wife, 4 wonderful children, a promising National political career (he was one of the 2012 front runners), and now, he has thrown it all away.

To make it worse, Mark did this over Father's Day, a day he should've spent with his four boys, he decided to spend with a mistress.He brought this onto himself, and that is the saddest part of the whole story.

What a scumbag.


  1. I'm So proud of you! You talk in Plain, simple words...that whats been missing, Honesty, it is the story, not the Personal Gains from one own actions, Just Pure Real Talent!


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