Conservative Evangelicals have it wrong...again

Can you feel it? It is election season fever, and it has been going on it seems since President Bush was elected. Okay, so it has just been going on for the last three years. We have already had many debates hosted by CNN, FOX News, and Youtube. By now most people have a general idea of who they will vote for-or better yet, and sense of who they will not vote for. One candidate that has already seemed to lose votes is Republican Presidential hopeful, and former Massachusetts governor, Mitt Romney -but do those that have stated they won’t vote for Romney have a valid excuse? Many Evangelical, conservative Christians have stated that they won’t vote for Romeny for one simple reason; Mitt Romney is a Mormon. Logic in this mindset is illogical at best. From a social standpoint, Romney is a conservative through and through. He is very much for marriage being between a man and a woman, is pro-life, doesn’t want to raise taxes, and has shown to be a good businessman; he erased a operating def...