Clemson's McDaniel is a dark side to college athletics

What in the world is happening in college athletics?
Just this summer, the University of Georgia has had to suspend and kick off players; the University of South Carolina has had run ins with the law, and the trend is all over the country.

There is one case in particular that is making my blood steam. Yep, I am way past the boiling point on this one.

On June 23 it was reported in the Anderson Independent Mail that Clemson University safety/linebacker Deandre McDaniel was accused and arrested for assault charges against his then live in girlfriend. It was later reported that in a prior incident not reported to police that McDaniel allegedly hit the one time girlfriend and knocked out a tooth, and then begged her to not tell anyone.

One would assume that this type of behavior and accusations would warrant either a suspension or expulsion from the team and university. But not McDaniel under head coach Tommy Bowden.
Nope, the alleged abuser went in front of a university judiciary committee, and was cleared of all charges, and now is up for PTI (Pre-Tril Intervention) that will wipe his slate clean of any wrong doing (which to me is the same as a guitly plea).

But the blame needs to go to Bowden, who shouldn't have let it get this far. McDaniel should've been suspended from all team activity, suspended from summer school, and would be further judged when the facts came in, and was tried in a court of law and a verdict issued from a judge or jury of his peers.
But apparently Bowden has caught his father's infamous gene of placing winning above character.
Is it because Bowden is feeling the pressure closing in on him as the season gets closer to win a title that his Tigers should easily win? Maybe.

It worked for Bobby Bowden, for awhile. He and is Seminoles dominated the ACC for a decade before spiralling down into mediocrity that they are still trying to get out of.

Sadly, this is becoming a trend all to common in college football--and college athletics in general--where character is being sacrificed for Ws. I realize these coaches want to win, make the ADs continue to write those big checks, make fans, boosters, and alumni happy, as well as chisel their legacy in the history of a school; but at what price?

When will we as a society draw the line and say this is enough? When will we say that it is time we treach these student-athletes like adults and hold them accountable for their actions?

I understand that 18-22 year olds will make mistakes, I do all the time. But will someone have to die to our attention and force us to draw a line?

But hey, if Bowden wins the ACC and takes Clemson to new heights not seen since the Danny Ford era of the '80s, no one will remember the girl that was allegedly beaten and tossed down the stairs by her one time boyfriend....except her.


  1. McDaniel is actually chrged with Assault & Battery of a High and Aggravated Nature which carries a punishment up to 10 years! Doing nothing for an assault would be bad enough, but this is the worst charge with NO discipline that I remember. Worse than Switzer, Jimmy Johnson, Bobby Bowden and any other discipline challenged, win at all costs, coach. Clemson should be called out by the media and other coaches.


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