Lower the Drinking Age.

I've been in college now going on three years.
And I hate to tell freshman parents this...kids drink underage in college.

It isn't like the old days when the drinking age was 18 and kegs were rolled in move-in day.
Now, the alcohol is craftily concealed and transported to dorm rooms and parties, causing binge drinking, alcohol poisoning, unplanned pregnancies, and death.

I believe it is time we go back to those old days, and lower the drink age from 21 back to 18.

The basic reasons have all been heard.
At 18 years old, and individual is given the responsibility to vote, own a gun, sign up for the armed forces, among others.

So where is the logic?

If an 18-year old kid has the mental capacity to decide who can run their governments--local, state, and national--own and responsibly use a firearm, and decide if they should or shouldn't join the Army/Navy/Air Force/Marines/Coast Guard/National Guard, then shouldn't he or she also have the mental capacity to decide if they should have a beer or not?

If anything, lawmakers have too much faith in 15-18-year olds.

Who really thinks a 15-year old possesses the mental capacity and quick decision making to operate a vehicle going 65 mph on the interstate? I don't, and I had no business behind the wheel of a car when I was 15.

In my eyes, the drinking age should be lowered, and the driving age should be raised: Exponentially!

Lower the drinking age to 15, and raise the driving age to 18.
Or, lower the drinking age to 18, and raise the driving age to 21.

Okay, okay...there is no way a 21-year old driving age would pass with a 15-year old drinking age; let our Congressman (attempt) to settle that discrepancy.

Either way, we need to take the keys out of the hands of our 15-year olds.
And really, America is one of the few countries where the drinking age is 21 (most are 18).

What needs to be done, is let our teenagers learn their limits on alcohol at the home under the supervision of parents instead of behind the wheel of the car.


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