What is Wrong with Kevin Bryant?
A few weeks ago, South Carolina state Representative Kevin Bryant gave the world this little gem on his blog page.
Now, I understand what the guy was trying to do. He was just saying that Senator, and Democratic Presidential hopeful, Barack Obama is full of hot air, ideals, and no follow through.

We get it Mr. Bryant. Anyone that can stand to watch FoxNews for more than 10 minutes, or have a mind of their own, realizes that Obama is a very powerful, charismatic speaker with some good ideas. Only problem is, it still isn't clear how he intends to do those things if elected.
Yes Mr. Bryant. We here in South Carolina aren't as dumb as you take us for.

And now, he can probably kiss his seat good-bye after this. Not only has nothing been done in his stay for the area (not all his fault in the Statehouse considering tightwad Governor Mark Sanford vetos just about everything that crosses his desk) but this just makes a bad reflection upon him and his constituents here in the Upstate.
But it isn't like Bryant has terrible ideas. According to his blog Bryant wants to reduce taxes for the common American and small business owners. He is also in support of reducing health care costs while still maintaining the status quo of American health care.
He is also up for giving welfare for those that are motivated to work, and not just hand it out to poeple that will remain stagnent.
Don't get me wrong, he still has ideals that don't align with mine, which is fine...I just won't vote for him.
Most of his fiscal ideas are good. But Bryant should know, promises do nothing, actions get their word for a reason.
And yet these are the same problems he accuses Barack Obama of having.
But these is just the old way Washington works, but it is in South Carolina. It is definetly time for a change in the way things are done. The days of all talk and no walk needs to come to an end, and maybe, just maybe, the common American citizen will stand up and say they won't take it anymore.
I guess Bryant will have time to mull over and figure out just how to do things...from the comfort of his home and not in the South Carolina Senate.
The Lake Report in no way-shape, form or otherwise-endorses Obama...The Report is merely bringing attention to the issue of all talk and no action that has invaded American politics.
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